MSEC & Watt Footprint - Collaborating for Change!

Collaboration for a Sustainable Future: Mullingar SEC and Watt Footprint Join Forces

In the pursuit of creating a greener, more sustainable future, collaboration is key. In the heart of Ireland, two entities, Mullingar Sustainable Energy Community (SEC) and Watt Footprint, have come together to amplify their efforts towards building a zero-carbon community by 2050. Our partnership is not only impressive but also showcases the potential that arises when two entities come together for a shared goal.

Click here to read more about this powerful partnership!

Our Vision: to create a zero-carbon community by 2050. 

We will achieve this through:

  1. Continual Awareness Programmes
  2. Knowledge Building and knowledge sharing networks
  3. Developing Energy Efficiency Projects throughout the community
  4. Large Scale Renewable Projects (eg. Community PV Farm and/or District Heating Systems)

We will work with SEAI and the SEC Network, Mullingar Chamber of Commerce, Leader, local residents associations and other local community organisations to build our network, awareness, and knowledge. 

We commit to:

  • Establishing and maintaining a community EMP (Energy Master Plan)
  • Engage Community in addressing their current energy use through awareness programmes.   
  • Developing Energy Efficiency Projects within the community.
  • To create large Scale Renewable Project opportunities